Inspirit Garden

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Sunday, February 27, 2020’s word for the day at Inspirit Garden, The Whole Garden membership is BREAKTHROUGH.


In The Daily Inspiration, I also shared with members one of my favorite quotes that come to mind when thinking about this word,

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

- Anais nin”


I remember the first time I had heard this quote; although I had dreams, they were dormant.

That day, I stood in a small circle of women, trembling and ugly crying as I shared out loud, in a trembling voice, a simple dream. I don’t remember the specifics of that dream; there have been many since; however, I will never forget the discomfort and desire to run and never come back, the vulnerability of having a wish, and the fear of speaking it out into the universe. That day, I learned of the importance of dreams and taking the risk to blossom. By doing so, I had a breakthrough.

(Oxford online dictionary definition)




  1. a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development.

Breakthroughs, regardless of size, are an opportunity to rise to another level of living.

Over the years, I have learned that the process to break through usually begins with a breakdown; no wonder we want to stay wrapped up tight in a bud or as a seed; it feels safe there. It’s also limiting. My most significant breakthroughs have knocked me to my knees; the breakdown was necessary so that I could break open and reveal the next opportunity to grow.

When we have truly broken through, we reclaim pieces of ourselves and ultimately a deeper calling to:

·       thrive

·       pursue dreams

·       connect with what brings joy

·       live your purpose

·       deepen relationships

·       identify and set boundaries

·       heal

·       learn from our mistakes

·       release


With love & light, Erika