Working on a project, I was hitting up against some speed bumps and a detour. I stopped, and from my bag of heart seed words, I  pulled a word, FLOW.

I can't help but laugh; of course, out of 120 words, God/Source/Universe puts that word in my hand.

When I first hear the word FLOW, I think of the common phrase "just go with the flow," and images of a calm stream trickling smoothly along the banks of moss-covered stones come to mind, and sometimes that is how flow feels. 

And at other times, FLOW can be anything but gentle.

Sometimes flow is full of force; as if caught in a rapid current and pulled over the falls, no breaks, no boat; pushed in the direction of no return.

To go with the FLOW requires trust. The process demands daring, vulnerability, and faith while audaciously believing in something beyond the circumstances visible on the outside.

I consider FLOW as forward-moving. Presence and awareness are a must if we want to reap the rewards and achieve results granted only to those who dare.

So, after pausing and pondering the word FLOW. I decided to take another look at the things slowing down my progress. One of which is the printer. During my pause, I scrolled social media and saw a meme that said unplug, and I remember how sometimes unplugging/replugging in things like printers can be the best solution, and voila! It's now working like new.

While on my hands and knees messing with the plugs, I found a small watercolor that must have fallen out of sight; when I retrieved it, I had a flash of inspiration on how it would be great to have it reprinted into cards for resale on my site.

And as the printer catches up on the project, I have used the delay to have several meaningful and connecting chats, brainstorm some future things for Inspirit Garden, and share a few of my thoughts and feelings on the word FLOW.




How old is too old?

