I originally wrote this post a year ago today about AWARENESS, the photo is one I took on the California Coast, somewhere between Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz.

"By taking the time to stop and appreciate who you are and what you've achieved - and perhaps learned through a few mistakes, stumbles and losses - you actually can enhance everything about you. Self-acknowledgment and appreciation are what give you the insights and awareness to move forward toward higher goals and accomplishments."

~Jack Canfield


It is ONLY Wednesday,  mid-week, and the lessons/gifts of  'AWARENESS' have been arriving like sets of waves - some slow and rolling and others smashing & crashing full force against the rocks,  with each hit, forever reshaping what we this case, reshaping me.


It's difficult,  if not impossible, to grow without awareness. 


Today, I released new layers, old traumas, that I've carried and have become subtle habits until 'someone' comes into your life and says STOP. YOU DON'T NEED TO DO THAT HERE... with truth and authentic honesty, shining an awareness directly upon a spot you weren't seeing and didn't think anyone else could. But, and ahhh, alas... everything is hiding in the wide open, in plain sight waiting for a small pivot, crack, opening, so we... I... you... us...he/she/they can become aware, gain insight, and grow... and that's where the power is. Where the treasure and gifts, all the goodness waits... in the depths, just below the surface. 


AND isn't it wonderful, we grow through what we are going through and BEcome even better versions of our best selves.....


What if you dipped your toes? Waded out past your knees or dove deep into the unknown.  What treasures await? And what could you do with a new awareness??? 

Love & light, Erika


#awareness #livingmybestife #love&light #loveeachother #leadwithyourheart #iwalkingratitude #liveinlove #liveinpeace #moveinlove #moveinpeace #belief #peace #inspiration #inspiritgarden



How Dare I!