Be the change…

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."

-Mahatma Gandhi


Today, with all that has happened in our world, I must again ask myself who I need to be and what I can do to be that change?

Knowing our purpose is an essential step toward BEing that change; my purpose is to be a source of love, I use a manifesto I wrote as a guide.

My Personal Manifesto

I express love & joy as a way of being

in all that I do and am.

Slowing down and leaning in,

I seek to understand

and respond with empathy and compassion.

I stand in my wholeness

knowing I am worthy and deserving...

I am a mirror reflecting these qualities back to you.

gratitude & appreciation

are cornerstones of my foundation.

with faith and grace

I navigate through uncertainty.

without apologies,

I dare to show up and be seen.

I embrace;

vulnerability as a strength

creativity as a gift

and joy as something

I give myself permission to choose

regardless of circumstances.


It has been just over a month since publicly launching Inspirit Garden. Sharing so publically my creations, while deeply fulfilling, is also the epitome of raw vulnerability. So why do it? To be the change I wish to see in the world, and if my sharing the things I have learned can help someone else, it makes the discomfort worth it.


Inspirit Garden is more than a subscription business with coloring pages and flowery hearts; it is an invitation for connection, as well as my expression of bringing love and light into the world. When we know how words make us feel and understand that they might not make someone else feel the same way, we have an opportunity to understand each other deeper. The heart seed words can spark an inner dialog or deepen a conversation with another; for example, try asking someone close to you how they feel when they hear the word sacrifice, then share how that word makes you feel.


If you're speaking with younger children, you can ask them what this word means to them often; they might say I don't know, you can reassure them there isn't a right or wrong answer.

Today, I invite you to consider what change you would like to see in the world and who do you need to be to have that happen?

Love & Light, Erika

"Through journaling, your heart and creativity, grow & live an inspired life."

~ Erika Keene, founder of Inspirit Garden




I will, I can & I am